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What are the duties of an executor or personal representative in Pennsylvania?

On Behalf of | Dec 24, 2024 | Estate Planning, Probate And Estate Administration |

Serving as an executor, also known as a personal representative, is an important responsibility that no one should take lightly. It requires diligence, organization and a clear understanding of legal obligations. In Pennsylvania specifically, the role of executor involves several distinct duties that ensure the decedent’s wishes are honored and the estate is settled properly.

The executor’s responsibilities

  • Probate the will, which means to file the decedent’s will in probate court.
  • Notify all beneficiary and heirs and answer any questions they may have.
  • Take inventory of the decedent’s assets and manage them.
  • Pay the decedent’s debts and taxes, if and when applicable.
  • After paying all debts and taxes, distribute the assets to the heirs and beneficiaries.
  • Keep records of the entire process, as it occurs.

While it might sound like an easy task, getting all of this done is time-consuming and can be expensive.

Probate court

Going to probate court can also take time because once you go there to probate the will, the court must establish that the will is valid.

Dealing with heirs

In addition, it is often difficult to deal with heirs, beneficiaries, family members and friends who may be hurting and grieving the loss of their loved one. For that reason, and many more, ensure you are not only capable but willing to complete the task.